Friday, November 21, 2008

Prayers for healing

Ever since I contracted the Epstein-Barr virus (and therefore got mononucleosis) in December of 2006, the lymph nodes in my neck have been swollen. About a year ago I noticed enlarged inguinal (located in that lovely crease between your legs and your abdomen) nodes. About a month and a half ago I got an ultrasound of my neck, which showed a 1.9 cm node and others that weren't quite as big. Doctors start to worry at 2 cm. I went on Prednisone (an oral steroid) for a week and a half, to see if that would reduce the adenopathy. Nothing happened. So my ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctor suggested I get a CT. After two years of worrying about this and talking to doctors about it, I am finally going in tomorrow for a CT of my neck and abdomen. This is both scary and reassuring. It will (hopefully) provide some answers about what is happening inside my body. My appointment is at 10:45 am. Hopefully I won't pee my pants on the way to the imaging place, or, even worse, pee inside the scanner. (I have the pleasure of drinking a half gallon of water an hour beforehand :) I'm thankful that i have a 'buddy' to accompany me on this grand adventure - my friend Melissa from Westminster will be sitting in as the buddy. Thank God for buddies. More info in a few days.


Barbara said...

I am praying for you now.

spyder said...

Sending you aums full of chi for your return to perfect health and wonder.

Just an aside, have you been tested for antigens to the West Nile virus??? I ask because it seems that one of the long term problems with that is Epstein-Barre, as well as other similar problems. I contracted the WNV this past summer, and have been fighting various manifestations of some of its analogs ever since. And no, steroids don't really help, but some of the chinese medical knowledge seems to work.

Elizabeth said...

I'm praying for you too, Richelle. Hope we can talk soon. Love you!

spyder said...

updates, we need updates... please, pretty please

Richelle said...

all, thank you so much for all of your prayers. it means the world to me. i'm still waiting to hear back for the results. i'll post something after i find out. peace-