Barack the vote!
Today I completed my last civic duty before the elections are over on Tuesday: 2 hours of canvassing in north Portland, talking to a few people, dropping off a lot of literature, and walking through the neighborhood with a really neat lady named Terri. It's hard to believe that all of my thoughts and passions the past several months surrounding this election will soon be put to rest. It felt weird marking "Barack Obama" on my ballot and then dropping it off in an 'official' ballot drop off location - located in the parking lot of my neighborhood McDonalds. The official act of voting - a privilege - was a bit anticlimactic. The Obama office today was SWARMING with volunteers. It was a humbling experience to be a part of such a well-orchestrated local campaigning effort. Campaigning is quite the science, and at the same time, depends on ordinary people to just come and offer up what little time and energy they have for a cause much greater than themselves. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to get involved in this small way. I'm thankful that we live in a country where we can organize and not get killed. I'm grateful for the millions who've given of their time, talents and resources to this campaign and the thousands of others who are working for positive social change. And I'm hopeful as we get closer to Tuesday. (photo credit:
Thank you for working so diligently on this. I hope, for all of our sakes, that there won't be an election this fundamentally important for another forty years.
hell yes
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