This past Wednesday I had my very FIRST phone banking experience at the Obama headquarters in NE Portland. Yes, I was a political studies major. And although I've lobbied in Olympia one time before (again, in college), I have no experience working directly in a political campaign, go figure. I'd much rather think about doing things, rather than actually doing them :) I walked in a little timid, but ready for some phone-bank kicking ass. I was given a list of names to call, with a script. "Hello, is ____ there? Hi, my name is Richelle, and I'm a local volunteer for Senator Obama's Campaign for Change. How are you?" Then I proceeded to ask them if they were still planning on supporting Barack in the election. (Everyone who answered said yes - I was calling the choir, apparently.) Then, I asked them a series of "will you volunteer for such and such" questions. At the end of two hours, I managed to secure 8 volunteers for more phone calling, canvassing, or registering new voters. Approximately 70% of the people I called did not pick up their phone or were not home. About 50-70% of the people I actually did get to talk to were willing to volunteer. I'd say those odds are a pretty damn good reflection of what's going on in people's hearts and minds right now. We want to do something...anything. We are so fed up with the McCain/Palin campaign and the way the media has dealt with covering it. I don't mean to spread hate language, I am simply saying I think that they're misleading the American people. And I think there will be extraordinarily dire consequences if we let them lead us...if we go another four years under a leadership that doesn't understand the severity of what climate change is doing around the globe, that has virtually no sensitivity to global public opinion, that thinks (really, truly believes) that drilling will actually help solve America's energy crisis, that believes they are sent from God, that doesn't believe Judy Blume, Madeleine L'Engle or the editors of Webster's dictionary should have a voice in our public sphere, and that capitalizes on people's fears in order to justify more violence, both at home and particularly in the Middle East. This is not leadership. I shudder to think of what may happen in this world if McCain is elected President, has a heart attack, and we are taking orders from Sarah Palin, commander-in-chief. I shudder.
I signed up for another phone banking session, next Wednesday. And while part of me feels like I am not doing anything (because it feels like everyone in Portland is already supporting Obama) - I have to believe that every little bit counts. Each new registered voter counts. And you never know how their opinion will possibly influence their families, friends, etc.
I would love to have the gusto to do the 'persuasive' calls. Maybe in the next few weeks, if I believe I can handle fielding questions about where Obama stands on all the issues, I will consider it. Maybe.